What are free radicals and oxidative stress?
There is a lot of talk about free radicals, but what are they? In this article we will go through a very bacis explanation of what free radicals and oxidative stress are.
Free radicals are molecules that damage cells and tissues. They are created naturally in the body’s energy production, in overcooked food (for exemple barbequed or fried food), when we’re exposed to different kinds of toxins, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, medications etc.
To explain what free radicals are properly, we need to go back to the basic biochemistry for a bit! The body is made up by cells, that contain molecules and molecules is made up from atoms (this is chemistry!).
Free radicals are molecules that contain an atom, or several atoms, have an “unpaired electron” somewhere in their structure. This creates an imbalance within the molecule and they try to regain balance by “stealing” an electron from another molecule. This initiates a chain reaction that causes damage to cells, DNA and tissues around the body, including the skin.

What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are molecules that can stop the damaging chain reaction caused by free radicals. Read more about antioxidants here!
What is oxidative stress?
When there are a lot of free radicals in combination with a lack of antioxidants, in the body this is called oxidative stress. The word oxidative comes from the word oxygen. This is because the free radicals are so called reactive oxygen species (ROS) or oxygen radicals, for example peroxides, superoxide, hydroxyl radical. These are highly damaging molecues.
Rusting in an oxidative process! Some people refer to oxidative stress as rusting of the body.
Free radicals and oxidative stress can lead to different health problems and diseases as well as accelerated aging. There are several theories of aging, of which the so called “free radical theory of aging”, is one.

A completely natural process that can be damaging in excess
As explained above, free radicals are produced in our normal energy production, within the cells, so it is a naturally occouring process. However, the body has it’s own way of protecting itself from the damage caused by free radicals by forming antioxidant molecules. We also get antioxidants from our food. The problem today is not that we get a lot of free radicals from our own energy production, it is the excess free radicals and oxidative stress exposure from our environment and bad food choices, in combination with a lack of antioxidants from our food as well as a lack of micronutrients needed as cofactors for our important endogenous antioxidant molecules.
You can try to reduce you exposure to free radicals by:
- Steam or boil vegetables instead of frying them and reduce temperature when cooking meat and other foods.
- Stop smoking! (smoking is one of the major factors that destroy collagen and damage the skin)
- If you drink alcohol, be conscious of the amount you consume.
- Avoid ”unnecessary” medications. For example, if you have a headache, try to drink some water before using a pain killer. Obviously it is really important to follow your health professional’s recommendations regarding medications!!
- Protect yourself from excessive sunlight exposure.
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