Resveratrol for skin health

Resveratrol for skin health

Resveratrol for skin health There is a lot of talk about resveratrol at the moment. It is found in the peel of grapes and in their seeds, wine (especially in red wine), blueberries, cranberries, peanuts, pistachios, and dark chocolate. There are also many supplements that contain resveratrol. Even though there’s resveratrol in wine, it is not…

What are anthocyanins?

What are anthocyanins?

What are anthocyanins and why are they important for skin health? Anthocyanidins are found in dark purple, blue, black and red plants, especially in berries such as blueberries, black currants, blackberries and raspberries. It is the anthocyanidins that give the berries their blue, purple and black color. The anthocyanidins belong to the family of phytonutrients called…

What are antioxidants?
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What are antioxidants?

What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are molecules that can donate electrons to free radicals and thereby stop the damaging chain reactions caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. Antioxidants are found in very many different types of foods. Mainly in fresh plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, berries, beans, nuts and seeds, but also in animal…

What are free radicals and oxidative stress?
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What are free radicals and oxidative stress?

What are free radicals and oxidative stress? There is a lot of talk about free radicals, but what are they? In this article we will go through a very bacis explanation of what free radicals and oxidative stress are. Free radicals are molecules that damage cells and tissues. They are created naturally in the body’s…

The structure and function of the skin
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The structure and function of the skin

Skin physiology: The structure and funtion of the skin Did you know that the skin is the body’s largest organ? The skin reflects the health of the body and one of the reasons for this is that ill health can manifest itself on the skin, e.g. in the form of skin problems such as acne…

What are proteins and amino acids?
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What are proteins and amino acids?

What are proteins and amino acids? Protein is a macronutrient that is used mainly as a building block in the body, but it can also be broken down into energy when there’s a lack of carbohydrates and in some cases fat. Proteins are made up by chains of amino acids that have various important functions…

Fatty acids for skin health
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Fatty acids for skin health

Important fatty acids for skin health Did you know that all the cells in the body’s cells are made up of fatty acids? It is important to add the right fatty acids for the cells, including the skin cells, to function optimally. Above all, the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, but also GLA, are…

Nutbread with avocado recipe

Nutbread with avocado recipe

Nutbread with avocado recipe This bread is perfect for bread lovers who want to cut down on grains, wheat and bread! It is free from wheat and other flours and contains lots of good protein, fats and other important nutrients for skin health! Ingredients Nutbread with avocado – instructions 1. Set the oven to 100…